A day in the life of a family of five.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Nights

Summer nights are kickball games in the yard in your swimming suit.

Summer nights are neighbors and friends in the pool.
Summer nights are big splashes.
Summer nights are making a whirlpool.
Summer nights are a game of shark in the pool.
One of my favorite things about summer nights... fresh cut grass.
One of my least favorite things... weeds in my flower bed.
I love the way the sun shines in the windows of my Bethie's windows in the evening. I love cool summer nights like tonight. When we can shut off the air, open the windows and sleep in the coolness of the night. I love sitting on my front porch swing watching the traffic go by. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the way it clings to the feet of my babies as they play kick ball in the yard. I love baseball/softball, but I love when it's over and we can spend our nights at home...loving summer nights.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Summertime is definitely here! I think the kids may be having their best summer yet! But... I don't think that I have had all of my little chickens under my roof all at once yet this summer!! Khloe spent a week with Aunt Misty,
then Khloe & Drew spent a week with my mom. Grandma Jaeda cut Khloe's hair. So cute!!

This week Kait is at camp!

Baseball/softball has finally come to an end. All three kids played this year, which meant games 5-6 nights a week. I am looking forward to some down time in the evenings!

We have managed a few trips so far this summer. We went to Six Flags to celebrate Kait's 13th birthday (that post will be coming soon) and last weekend we took a trip down to Meramec State Park for some camping and rafting.

What signifies summer more than ice cream trucks and slip and slides?? Nothing!

The kids are going to a Christian Day Camp this year instead of the fight to find a summer sitter. This is working out really well and I think they are liking the structured days!

As you can see from this HUGE post full of fun times...we are LOVING our summer!