I have just returned from a weekend in St. Louis with 7000 teenage girls attending the Revolve tour! Boy am I tired! We took 11 girls from our church and met my friend Misty there with three girls that she brought. 14 teenage girls will wear out an old woman like me! The question for the weekend was "What does your life Revolve around?" An importaint question for girls of this age. Several artist were there to share there story including Natalie Grant, Tammy Trent, KJ-52 and ZoE Girl. Speakers included Laura Wilkinson, Olympic Gold medel winner, and Kimiko Soldati, Olympian. Chad Eastham talked about what boys really think and relationships. The information shared at this confrence was invaluable for girls of this age. Friendships, eating disorders, fasion, purity, BOYS!

Hey kari,
Enjoyed the weekend with you and the others....like the photos you got that I was unable to get! I think that seeds were planted and we just have to trust the Lord in watering them.
PS: You don't look like a dork in my pictures....just like one of the girls having fun!!
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