Where oh where does time go?? I can't believe that my baby girl is 9!
We did much celebrating!
Mom made white cake with chocolate frosting.
This was her actual birthdate. We went out to eat and brought home an ice cream cake from Culvers. She went to Toys R Us to spend some birthday money and got a birthday crown. She is being silly with the balloons that she got at school from Grandma Jaeda after opening presents from mom and dad.
She took some friends to Justice for a "Rock Star" birthday.
I think all of the girls had a great time!

Khloe is an amazing little girl. She is always talking about "when she grows up and is a Mommy." She is cuddler and loves one on one time. She and Drew have a very close brother/sister relationship. She loves to garden and is looking forward to planting some flowers soon. She can be very quiet around people she does not know, but the loudest one in the house at home! She is very smart and does very well in school. She is currently growing her hair out to donate to Locks of Love. She warms my heart, and we all love her so very very much!
Only 9? Wow, she looks all grown up and older than 9 in some of these pictures. What great pictures and looks like she indeed had a wonderful time celebrating.
Awww...Love the pictures and reading about her birthday.
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