A day in the life of a family of five.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pekin Hospital Foundation Ball

My lovley boss and her husband.

Me and Rich, my friend from work Chris and her husband Bud, and my very good friend Nancy and her husband Gazoo. Don't tell anyone that Nancy has on duct tape and two dresses!! Shhhhh...

My wonderful boss pays for our whole office to attend the Pekin Hospital Foundation Ball every fall. This was our third year attending. It is a silent auction, a live auction, dinner at $150 a plate and dancing. It is a lot of fun to get all dressed up. Enjoy the pics!

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Revolve Tour

I have just returned from a weekend in St. Louis with 7000 teenage girls attending the Revolve tour! Boy am I tired! We took 11 girls from our church and met my friend Misty there with three girls that she brought. 14 teenage girls will wear out an old woman like me! The question for the weekend was "What does your life Revolve around?" An importaint question for girls of this age. Several artist were there to share there story including Natalie Grant, Tammy Trent, KJ-52 and ZoE Girl. Speakers included Laura Wilkinson, Olympic Gold medel winner, and Kimiko Soldati, Olympian. Chad Eastham talked about what boys really think and relationships. The information shared at this confrence was invaluable for girls of this age. Friendships, eating disorders, fasion, purity, BOYS!

We had a blast fellowshiping! We did all of the fun things that you do when you are with your girlfriends! The hotel we stayed at had 25 floors. So of course we got in the elevator and pushed all 25 buttins and rode all the way up! Some of the girls were up until 5:30am! I, however, am to old for that, I retired at around 1!

I truely enjoyed this experience, and the girls were just great. I have a place in my heart for each and every one of them and I can't wait to start planning our trip for next year!
