A day in the life of a family of five.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

O Christmas Tree

The perfect day to look for the perfect tree! It was 65 degrees outside!!
This is the kids with our tree before it was cut.
Daddy cutting the tree. Timber!!!
Loading two trees on top and had two inside!!
Stopped for a bite to eat at this little place on the way home. Our Pastor's family is the Stewarts so we thought this was funny! Had to take a picture!!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, I love your branches!!
That is Kaitlyn's rendition of the song when she was about 16 months old!! We enjoyed our hunt for the perfect tree again this year! Last year it took us about 5 hours and at least half a dozen places before we found "the one"! This year we just set right out to the area where we had the most luck last year. We visited three tree farms and found the perfect tree at the last one! We will have 6 trees in all this year, I will post pictures as we get the other ones ready!
We hope that you will join us for our 9th Annual Dixon Christmas Party! Invitations will go out this week. December 9th is the date. The time will be listed on the invitation.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanks was given

Khloe and Grandma Penny

Grandpa Penny and Drew

Kait, Khloe, Grace and Papa Dixon

Drew and Papa Dixon

Much Thanks was given this year as we celebrated Thanksgiving with family. We had a very busy day. First to Rich's family to celebrate with them, then to my Mom's to celebrate there, and finally to my Grandma McCoy's to celebrate with them. We ate a lot!! Now today we are off to get some Christmas trees!! I will be sure to post pics once it is up and decorated!

Camp Read A Lot

Our school sponsored a program called "Camp-Read-A-Lot". The kids got in their PJs, took their blankets and pillows and went to school in the gym to read under the stars. They had story tellers and volunteers that read to the children. My kids had a great time!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that all of my readers have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This is the time of year that we are to remember all that we are thankful for. I am the most thankful that God sent his son to die on a cross for my sins so that I can have life everlasting in heaven. I am thankful for all of the times God interceded and saved my marriage when I was ready to walk out in the early years. My husband is such a blessing to me and our marriage is stronger than ever. I am thankful that God knows the plans he has for me because left on my own I would really screw things up. I am thankful for the three healthy beautiful children that God has blessed me with. It amazes me everyday that I am blessed three times over with healthy children. I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my table and the car that I drive. I am thankful for my church family. I am thankful that I have a church to go to where the word of God is taught in a real and truthful way. I am thankful for the singing voice that God has blessed me with, and I am thankful that I was able to quit smoking so that I can keep it! I am thankful for my family. Although we are not all as close as I would like to be, I am thankful for them just the same. I have four brothers that I love dearly and hope that they will all find Godly women to make their wives and make me an Aunt!!! I pray that as they get older and mature we will become closer. I have four other adopted siblings that keep my mom on her toes! I am thankful for the addition that they are to our family.

I am thankful for the friendships that I have. Misty, Richelle, Becky, Trish, Talena, Nancy... and many others. Their support in all I do is so important to me. Friends mean a lot to me and I am blessed with many very good ones. I am thankful for the friends that I have found on-line through Fertilichat and other blogs. I have found that on-line friends are to be taken for what they are, a name on a screen that you know only through cyber-space. There is one though, that has crossed that line and become very special to me. Hope. The name says it all. She has given me hope, helped me through trials, and helped me keep my feet on the rock of my foundation, Jesus Christ. I am blessed abundantly, my list could go on and on. Just remember to thank the Lord above for your blessings on Thanksgiving day. Enjoy your time with your families.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Future Champions!! That's Right!

All dressed up and ready to cheer!!
Kaitlyn and Khloe performed last weekend in St. Louis at the America's Center. We competed against two other teams, walking away with a huge second place trophy! I have not gotten official scores yet, but I hear that we got second by less than a point!! The girls did a great job pulling together as a team, I was so proud!! This is their third year in competitive cheerleading.

Here is a link to more pictures. They are of the whole team, so you will have to look for our girls at the bottom and click on them. http://www.actionmoments.com/search.php?searchtext=\Cheer%20and%20Dance\2006-2007%20Athletic%20Championships\03-St%20Louis\Images\Cheer%20Time%20USA\Large%20Junior%20Level%202&cf=RC

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Pumpkins carved by (left to right) Drew, Kaitlyn, Khloe and Daddy!
Trick-or-Treat!! Trick or treating at Great-Grandma McCoy's!
Drew was Rodney the robot from the Disney Robots movie.
Kaitlyn and Felicity were Sock Hop Girls. I made Kait's skirt.
Khloe was Little Red Riding Hood. I made the whole costume except the shirt. Khloe came to me with a McCalls pattern in her hand and said "I want to be this!" I had never used a pattern before, but my friend Nancy helped me learn to use my sewing machine that I have had for several years, and I made the whole thing!! It was so fun! I hope to use the sewing machine more!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Infertile? With three kids?

Some of you may know, and some of you may not, that the Dixon Family has been trying to increase our numbers for quite some time now. Our girls are 22 months apart, Khloe and Drew are 2 1/2 years apart. We tried for 9 months to get pregnant with Drew. Richard always said that once we got our boy we were done having babies. Well when Drew was about two weeks old, I remember sitting in the nursery for one of those middle of the night feedings and looking down at his little face as he was nursing and thinking to myself, "there is no way that he can be the last". I remember it like it was yesterday. Rich and I have never done anything to "prevent" pregnancy, but for some reason, it has just not happened again. I started "trying" for another baby the January after Drew turned 1. Rich got on board about a year and a half ago. We discussed it with the kids to get their thoughts about a year ago. So Kari has been trying to have another child for about 4 years. Rich and Kari have been trying to have another child for about a year and a half, and The Dixon Family have been trying to have another child for about a year now. A year can be a long time to wait when you are 4. Drew thinks that we should just go take someone else's cute baby. He doesn't quite understand that we have to wait for our own. This struggle has taken me many places spiritually, physically and emotionally. I have never used this blog to express any of this, as family comes here to get updates on us, not really our struggles. http://revealedglory.blogspot.com/ This is a link to a blog that I have started to share our story and to share our struggles and to share our victories in our walk with Christ. It may be about fertility, it may be about life in general. It may be written by me, it may be written by Rich. Bookmark it if you would like to stop in sometime.