A day in the life of a family of five.

Monday, November 03, 2008

1st Basket Ball Game

Kaitlyn had her first basketball game tonight. It was a bit surreal. I remember when I was out there cheering for the Jr. High basketball team and it seems like it was just yesterday! How can my baby girl be so old! She did such a great job and I was so so very proud of her!
There are three sixth grade girls on the squad. These girls are her good friends!
Emily, Cali Jo & Kait

She kept her smile on her face!
In the video below Kait is the one in the front on the white line on the right.
In the pyramid, she is in the middle and ends with her hands in a low V.


Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

She looks so cute.

Anonymous said...

Well how neat that she is able to cheer for her team there at school. Glad she is one of those smily cheerleaders and glad you could go watch her. How fun it is for you, I'm sure.